Aquarium Fish Net DIY

Michael Langerman
7 min readApr 30, 2020


In this example, I use a disposable nylon sock (ask for it at a local shoe store), a plastic zip tie (new or used), sewing thread or fishing line, and a wired hanger to make an aquarium fish net.

Cut the hook off the hanger.

Straighten the wire.
Fold the wire in half.

Trim the ends of the wire to a desirable length.

Cut off the lock and the narrow end of a plastic zip tie.

We can re-use a used zip tie for this purpose ;)

Fold the zip tie to make a loop.

Overlap ends of the loop with the ends of the wire.

Tie the loop to the wire using fishing line or sewing thread.
I use a variation of an albright knot for this purpose.

Cut off the line and tighten the knot.

Secure and then trim off the ends of the line.

Stretch the nylon sock or stocking over the loop.

I sew the nylon sock to the loop using sewing thread in this example.

Rub the eye of the needle over the thread to get the thread in the eye of the needle.

And then…well…sew the sock all the way around the loop.

Tie and trim off the ends of the sewing thread.

Pull the sock through the loop.

The seamless side of the sock is inside of the loop.

I prefer to use the seamless side to catch fish in.

Originally I made this tool to use in plastic bottle aquariums.

That is were the long thin handle and flexible loop come in play!

Here is one of my plastic bottle aquariums with fish in it.
It is involved in a couple projects that I hope to share with you in the future.

I never take fish out of this aquarium.
And I am not going to do it now!

Though, with this tool it is an easy task.
Check links in the description to the video for more details about my self-sustaining aquariums experiments.

The round shaped net is perfect for round shaped aquariums.
Here I move a couple guppies to a new aquarium.

The flexible loop works well in any aquariums, including box shaped.

This net is simple to make and easy to use.

Have fun and happy aquariums :)



Michael Langerman
Michael Langerman

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