Blini. How to make blini

Michael Langerman
5 min readJan 26, 2020


Eggs — 3 large;

Sugar — 1 tablespoon (25g);

Salt — 1 pinch;

Flour — 7 tablespoons (350g);

Milk (kefir/water or any mixture of milk/water/kefir) — 3 cups (900g);

Canola oil — 7 tablespoons.

Baking soda — 1 teaspoon.

Crack 3 large eggs in a bowl.

Add a pinch of salt.

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar (25g).

Add a cup of milk (300g). You can use water or kefir instead of milk. It will change consistency and taste of blins.

Beat it to dissolve sugar.

Add a cup of milk (300g). You can use water or kefir instead of milk. It will change consistency and taste of blins.

Add 3 tablespoons of flour (150g).

Beat the batter to break up all clumps.

Add 2 tablespoons of flour (100g).

Beat the batter to break up all clumps.

Add 2 tablespoons of flour (100g).

Beat the batter to dissolve all clumps.

Add a cup of milk (300g).

Whisk all thoroughly.

I like to add a cup of water instead of milk. Though, milk or kefir will do just fine.

Whisk all thoroughly. There should be no clumps left!

Add 7 full tablespoons of canola oil.

Whisk all thoroughly.

Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

Whisk all thoroughly. We have prepared the batter. It is very thin and airy.

Rub half a tablespoon of canola oil on the frying pan.

Preheat the pan on a medium-high flame.

Pour batter on the pan and spread it around by tilting the pan.

We can make blins of smaller size than the pan — it’s easier to flip a smaller sized blin.

Watch the color of the batter as it changes. Here you can see the raw spot.

Now look at the rim of the blin. When its color changes to gold or light brown that is the signal to flip the blin. First you have to lift the rim all the way around the blin.

Then lift the center and flip the blin.

It takes 5–15 seconds to fry the other side of the blin.

Remove the blin from the frying pen.

We can make blini of full size of the frying pen. This way we get nice round shaped blini. I use 25 cm diameter lodge cast iron skillet in this example.
The frying process is all the same for any size blini. Though, it takes some practice to flip large size blini. It takes about 60–80 seconds to fry a blin.

Cover blini with another plate.

Hold both plates together and flip them.

Remove the top plate.

You are all set to enjoy blini as is or with stuffing of your choice!

Have fun and happy blini :)

Originally published at

