Cherry Shrimp — Beginning of Fun!
I got my Cherry shrimp on Victory day of May 9th, 2019
Bought them on Amazon from Imperial Tropicals.
I waited for warm weather to buy shrimp.
Cold temperatures would kill them.
This package comes with a warmer.
It’s still warm!
The whole package is well insulated.
Here are 2 Marimo moss balls in a separate bag.
And this is a bag of Cherry shrimp.
I empty the bag with Cherry shrimp into a plastic container.
Let it sit for an hour or so for the water to get to room temperature.
I paid for 12 shrimp and there are 2 extra.
All 14 shrimp are very much alive.
And there is a hornwort plant as a bonus :)
Thanks ImperialTropicals!
Months before buying shrimp, I set up a couple aquarium nurseries for them.
First I add water that shrimp came with into my aquariums.
The hornwort goes into this nursery as well.
The shrimp are of different sizes.
I transfer small shrimp into aquariums using a pipette.
Use a net to move the larger shrimp.
The smaller shrimp could be either younger or a different sex.
A pinch of homemade fish food flakes should make my shrimp feel welcome home.
At first shrimp move anxiously around exploring the corners of their new home.
You can see them dashing here and there in the aquarium on the right.
I move some of the shrimp in aquariums with dwarf guppies to see how they will get along.
This is my largest aquarium as of now and it looks gorgeous with shrimp :)
So here I have 3 aquariums.
This one I call a Dinosaur head — for this rock of particular shape.
The largest cylindrical shape aquarium.
A pond snail performs diving tricks here :)
I build a magic pearl cave in this nursery.
And this is my Back to The Future 3 liter jar nursery.
There are Cherry shrimp, guppies, pond snails, seed shrimp, and different type of aquatic and land plants growing underwater.
Cherry shrimp seem to settle down and get busy cleaning everything.
They like to rest on plants, eat algae, and it’s fun to watch them going in the caves that I built for them.
My dwarf guppies coexist peacefully with the Cherry shrimp, allowing shrimp to eat fish food flakes.
There is no fighting over food with fish.
Here a guppy went through the cave… and came out on the other side :)
The water in my aquariums is room temperature all year around, I don’t use man-made filters, and I don’t change the water.
It works well for my guppies and the shrimp seem to be fine with it too.
Feeding time is always fun.
Whoever called Cherry shrimp bottom feeders should see how they eat fish food flakes from the water’s surface hanging upside down on duckweed.
So far I have been enjoying Cherry shrimp in my aquariums.
I will update you on whatever progress I have with them.
Have fun and happy aquariums :)