Double Walls Aquarium DIY
I built this HD aquarium in July 2017
This aquarium is equipped with algae scrubber HOG.5 (on the left) courtesy of Santa Monica Filtration.
Here is the same aquarium on April 9th, 2018
I don’t change water since the initial setup following the same routine as described in my video “Natural Aquarium Fish Care”.
Here you can see some algae grows on the walls of my aquarium.
I remove it the old fashioned way — with a brush.
There is a more efficient way to to do it as shown in my video “Algae Fish Food”.
Measure the inner size of aquarium walls.
In this example, I use a piece of plexiglass, about 1 mm thick, to make transparent screens for walls of the aquarium.
Cut the screens according to the measurements.
Here is the screen for the back wall.
Slide it gently in place along the back wall.
The gravel in the aquarium prevents the screen from going down all the way.
Mark off the protruding part of the screen with a marker.
Pull the screen out of the aquarium and cut off the protruding part.
Make sure the screen fits below the top edge of the aquarium to prevent water spilling out due to capillary force!
Make the front and side screens in the same way.
I install all screens right above the gravel.
Here you can see it.
Forcing screens into the gravel could be very disturbing!
April 9th, 2018
I outfitted all sides of my HD aquarium with screens/ double walls.
June 9th, 2018
I harvest algae from the algae scrubber every 2–3 weeks.
Pull out the algae scrubber with the transparent screen.
The screen covered with fresh algae goes back into the aquarium.
I put this screen to the back wall of the aquarium for fish and critters to eat fresh algae.
I use collected algae to make fish food flakes and freeze the rest for later feeding.
Pull out the other screens from the aquarium.
Here you can see dark algae in the lower part of the screen and green algae in the top of the screen, snail eggs and planarian.
Clean up all sides of the screens.
Algae grow on walls of aquarium in places where screens were tilted away from walls.
Wipe algae from the walls.
All looks good.
All walls are clean with minimal effort or time wasted ;)
Let’s reinstall cleaned screens.
It is the most difficult part!
Slide screens gently one by one along walls.
Watch out for plants and fish!
They may get sucked or trapped between double walls if you move too fast or place the screen too far from the wall during installation!
Algae grown on the screen is healthy fish food!
Double walls make it possible to cultivate algae in aquariums!
Double walls efficiently simplify aquarium care, minimizing the time necessary for maintenance!
Have fun and happy aquariums :)