Growing Rose in Water
I got a bush of miniature roses on April 29th, 2019.
Blooming roses are very beautiful flowers.
Enjoy the bloom for as long as it lasts.
And then I take a cutting of a stem that did not have any blooms yet on May 14th.
Trim off all bottom leaves and cut the stem below a joint.
I keep the top 3 branches with leaves.
Put the cutting in an aquarium.
Make sure the bottom of the stem is in the water and keep all leaves above the water, resting on the planter.
Three weeks later, on June 5th, a white root sprouted from the stem.
The plant looks strong and healthy.
June 19th.
More roots have grown in the past two weeks.
August 11th, 2019
I move the rose into a new 3 liter aquarium jar garden.
The bush is about 10 cm wide.
And four roots have grown, each about 7–9 cm long, in the first 3 months.
January 2nd, 2020
7 months with roots growing in water; the rose bush looks good.
February 19th.
The leaf color has been changing from a deep green to yellow.
In the following week, all leaves wilted and fall off with dry branches by February 26th.
I use plasticine to secure the stem of the plant to the planter.
The stem is green and seems to be healthy.
Wow! New leaves sprout almost right away.
Here you can see them on March 2nd.
And here is the plant 3 days later on March 5th.
May 23rd, 2020
The bush is about 7 cm wide.
New branches are still growing.
The plant has developed very strong roots, measuring more than 10cm long.
This rose plant has been growing with roots in water for over one year now, literally without any maintenance.
It grows slower than roses planted in soil.
Nevertheless, it grows without any maintenance ;)
It make this rose a nice addition to my aquarium gardens which get only natural indirect sunlight coming from this window.
Have fun and happy aquarium gardens :)