Natural Aquarium Fish Care
Through 2017, I have refined aquarium fish care (as described in my previous videos) with the ultimate goal of creating naturally self-sufficient aquariums.
Here you can see some of my aquariums.
I call them nurseries.
I keep them close to a window, facing south.
Aquariums on the windowsill contain no fish.
Aquariums with fish are on the table, away from direct sunlight.
The temperature in my apartment is set to 72–76F year around.
I don’t use aquarium heaters or coolers.
I don’t change the water in my aquariums.
Here you can see my oldest 1.6 liter aquarium as it was in January 2017.
I haven’t change the water since then in any of my aquariums (some aquariums for more time).
Here is the same aquarium one year later (December 2017).
This parenting couple of guppies (about 3 cm each) had babies 8 times this year.
I move all babies to new nursery aquariums.
Organic waste accumulates at the bottom of the aquarium.
You can see the dark layer or residue accumulated in the gravel throughout the year.
Plants and algae have grown very well through the year in all aquariums.
I don’t use artificial filters in my aquariums.
Algae and plants are natural filters that I cultivate in my aquariums.
Also, algae and plants serve as food to my aquarium pets.
It creates a natural cycle in which algae consumes waste that is dissolved in water and fish consumes algae.
1 year was not a long enough time for accumulated waste to unbalance the aquarium ecosystem.
As algae grows, it attaches itself to any surface in aquariums (walls, rocks, plants and etc).
I brush algae only from the front wall, leaving the rest for my fish and critters to eat.
They love algae!
I feed all fish once a day.
Pregnant fish get 2 feedings a day.
I used to feed them with commercial fish food flakes.
Now, I feed fish with homemade fish food flakes, fresh or frozen algae.
Serve enough flakes for fish to finish eating in about 2–3 minutes.
Here, you can see this aquarium from all sides.
Reduce the amount of serving food or skip next feeding if you see remains of food after feeding.
Seed shrimps are my indispensable aquarium cleaning crew.
I populate all my aquariums with seed shrimp and other critters.
Add them as often as I can.
They eat algae and organic waste, helping to keep aquariums clean.
Fish eat seed shrimps.
Here is my largest, about 10.5 liters aquarium.
It’s about 6 months old.
It is my only aquarium equipped with an algae scrubber HOG.5 and an air pump.
The purpose of the algae scrubber is to grow algae ;)
It keeps this aquarium clean without any filters or water changes.
I don’t use air pumps in any other aquariums.
For the whole year, I don’t use air pumps, filters, or change the water.
I have a couple of nurseries set up for an emergency and for newborn fish to move into if necessary at any time.
Making self-sufficient aquariums is my ultimate goal!
I will keep you updated!
Have fun and happy aquariums :)