Peace Lily Braided Roots
This Peace lily plant grows steadily in the past 5 month, since I showed it the last time.
I moved it to a deeper aquarium.
Many new leaves and roots grow.
The old roots have grown about 60 cm long.
This time I want to braid the long roots instead of trimming them off.
There are different ways to braid!
I separated the roots into three groups.
A group of short roots is on the right.
I am not going to work with them.
A group of 3 roots is in the middle.
And a group of 4 roots is on the left.
Let’s start with 3 strands braiding.
Move the right root in the middle.
Move the left root in the middle.
Move the right root in the middle.
Move the left root in the middle.
Work in this way for as much of the length of the roots as you like to braid.
I stop braiding where new roots sprouted.
Let’s braid 4 roots in one of the possible ways.
Cross two roots in the middle and bring them out.
Repeat it.
Cross two roots in the middle and bring them out.
Cross roots in the same direction.
Work in this way with as much of the roots as you would like to braid.
I leave the ends of old roots to hang loosely.
Now we can place the plant back in the aquarium, allowing further growth of roots, which is necessary for design compositions made of long roots.
I hope to share those design ideas in future videos along with other ways of braiding roots.
Have fun and happy aquariums :)