Plastic Bottle Aquarium for beginners

Michael Langerman
3 min readFeb 18, 2020


Get a 2 liter plastic bottle of a plain, cylindrical shape.

Fancy shaped bottles make it harder for observations and to provide care.
Remove any stickers from the bottle.

Cut off the top of the bottle.

Trim off the rim.

Put a 2–3 cm layer of gravel or whatever substrate that you like.
Fill up half of the bottle with tap water.
Let it sit for about a day.
That is a way of dechlorinating the water.

Add water plants of your choice.

Add the water to level.
You have set up your aquarium!
Some plants grow faster, and they may need your attention more frequently.
Some plants need more sunlight than others — placing aquarium in direct sunlight may cause rapid overheating!
Remember to add dechlorinated water to the level as it evaporates.

This aquarium already has everything necessary to keep many different water creatures.
A couple of fresh water snails bring hours of slow motion fun and make the aquarium healthier. Snails eat algae and remains of any organics.
Drop a flake or two of fish food once a week to make them happier.
Clean your aquarium as it gets dirty.

Many houseplants grow and thrive with roots placed in an aquarium.
Making such an aquaponics system is simple with plastic bottle planter or wired plant holder.

What a beautiful tiny world!

It’s your garden for growing plants and water plants.
It’s your personal desk zen garden.
It’s a cozy home to grow small guppy babies.

It’s a testing ground for you and your new aqua adventures!
Have fun and happy aquarium :)

