Roosevelt Island Manhattan Bike Route
A 3.5 miles loop around Roosevelt Island offers a smooth biking path with a beautiful view any day or night.
Commute to Roosevelt island from Manhattan and back on a tram makes for easy biking on Roosevelt Island.
Also, a bike path over the bridges between Manhattan and Queens and between Queens and Roosevelt Island adds nice workout to the commute without a loss of time ;)
Let’s check it out!
I start from Main Street on Roosevelt Island.
Take a spiral ramp going up to the bridge.
And we are already on the bridge.
There is a dedicated bike lane on the right side of the road going in each direction.
A view of Queensboro Bridge on my right.
As we descend down off the Roosevelt Island bridge on the Queens side, turn to the right onto a two way bike path taking us South to the Queensboro bridge.
By the way, I ride a foldable Broadwalk single speed 20 inch wheels bike.
It is surely not the fastest bike, but…wait till you see the finish time ;)
Here we approached the North side of the Queensboro bridge.
Turn left on the bike path that goes along the bridge.
The road goes slightly uphill.
Follow the bike path.
Watch for traffic and street lights on intersections.
The bike path over Queensboro bridge starts here at Crescent Street.
Make 180 degrees turn on the bridge and…up the heel we are going.
Cyclists share the path with pedestrians on this bridge.
A view of Roosevelt Island opens up from here.
And here we descend to Manhattan.
The path curves here.
And 180 degrees turn brings us to the exit on East 60th and 1st avenue in Manhattan.
It took me about 15 minutes to ride 3 miles from Roosevelt Island to Manhattan.
Let’s go back from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island.
It is the same bike path just going in the opposite direction.
The view is better for my liking going this way :)
Off the bridge we are making 180 degrees left turn on the bike path going along the bridge.
Follow the bike path.
Watch for traffic and street lights.
This biking path brings us to Vernon Boulevard.
Turn to the right on Vernon Boulevard.
Ride to your right on the bike line.
Once you pass the park on your left you can cross the street as traffic allows or do it at the next street light.
Here is a dedicated bike path in both directions.
Follow the path to the Roosevelt Island bridge entrance on 36th avenue.
Turn left on the bridge.
Keep to your right on the dedicated bike path across the bridge.
Here the bike path is wide enough just for one bike to go through at a time.
Off the bridge the path turns left onto the ramp.
Down the ramp we are going.
The spiral ramp take us to the Main street.
Right where I started this trip.
It took me about 30 minutes to bike this 6 mile long lap.
About 15 minutes ride in each direction.
Check details on my Stava.
The link is in the description.
Have fun and happy biking :)